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Why did we develop this dashboard?

“The 22nd Judicial District Attorney’s office is proud to announce its adoption of the Dashboard data analytics program, which will allow members of the public to see in real-time the work the office does, including average time to resolve cases, numbers of cases, pleas, diversions, sentencing data and more. The office welcomes public input as we work on implementation of this powerful program to provide greater transparency for all who are interested in the work we do to provide justice," Christian Hatfield, DA for the 22nd Judicial District.

The dashboard seeks to support:

  • Transparency. Ensuring that the DA’s Office is communicating what it is doing and the outcomes of its work.
  • Efficiency. Ensuring that the DA’s Office is using resources wisely and being good stewards of public funding.
  • Community Safety and Well-Being. Ensuring that the DA’s Office is addressing serious crime and protecting and serving victims.
  • Justice and Fairness. Ensuring that the DA’s Office is identifying and prioritizing actions to reduce disparities at points of prosecutorial discretion and to ensure the fair treatment of victims and defendants.
  • Data-driven Decision-making. Ensuring that the DA’s Office is learning what is going well and where there is room for improvement, ensuring decisions are grounded in systematically collected data.

How can you use this dashboard?

You can use this dashboard to understand the work that the DA's Office does. You can use it to look at trends in cases filed and resolved over time and patterns in how individuals are treated. The charts show key decision points and the data stories provide a deep dive into specific issues addressed by the DA’s Office.  

The dashboard is organized in eight sections, many of which mirror the “flow” of a case. No one data point provides all the information you may need; therefore, it is important to look at different data points in relation to one another. In general, dashboards are good at helping identify what is happening – understanding the why behind trends and patterns requires deeper investigation.


This project is a collaborative effort between the First Judicial District Attorney's Office, the Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab at the University of Denver, the Center for Criminal Justice Research at Loyola University Chicago, and the national Prosecutorial Performance Indicators Project. This dashboard was made possible by the Action case management system, stored and shared by the Colorado District Attorneys’ Council (CDAC). The project was funded with a grant from the Microsoft Justice Reform Initiative.
