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After an individual is found guilty of a crime, a judge imposes a sentence which may include fees, fines, community service, probation, jail, community corrections, or prison. The prosecutor and defense attorney on the case provide recommendations to the judge, who decides on the ultimate sentence. This section presents information on sentencing by the most severe sentence imposed on the case. 

Why is this important? It is important to ensure sentences minimize unnecessary punitiveness while appropriately addressing serious crime. In addition, we want to treat all individuals fairly and equitably.

Felony cases endanger and impact our community more severely than misdemeanors and should receive incarceration at a higher rate.


Below are a set of indicators that provide additional context about sentencing. These indicators help the DA's Office ensure they are ensuring fairness in the type and severity of sentences imposed, reducing unnecessary pretrial detention, and avoiding unwarranted incarceration without compromising public safety.

The above indicator displays consistency in how we treat serious offenses.

Individuals identified as Native American or Hispanic are incarcerated at a higher rate than those identified as White. This is a continued area of focus for our office as we seek more equality in sentencing across race and ethnicity.

Click Here for more information about race and ethnicity data collection and limitations.

Pretrial Detention Indicators

Below are a set of indicators that provide additional context about pretrial detention, incarceration in jail prior to case resolution. These indicators help the DA's Office ensure the reduction of unnecessary pretrial detention.

Individuals identified as Hispanic or Native American are more likely to be detained pre-trial than those identified as White. This is an area we must improve as we seek more equality in how all are treated in the criminal justice system, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Click Here for more information about race and ethnicity data collection and limitations.


  • Underlying data counts for each chart can be accessed through this link
  • This data reflects only those cases where a sentence was ultimately imposed. Cases that resulted in diversion, an outright dismissal, or some other resolution, are not reflected here. 
  • This data represents initial sentences only, sometimes a case may have a subsequent sentence in cases where there are grounds for a motion to reconsider. Those are not represented here.
  • Warrants are excluded (for all cases identified as a warrant).